The ObCiber – Observatório do Ciberjornalismo (Observatory of Cyberjournalism) invites submissions for its III International Conference on Cyberjournalism – December 06-07, 2012 – in the University of Porto, Portugal, under the general theme of “Convergence” (professional, business, technological and cultural).
Paper proposal – either in Portuguese, Spanish or English – should be sent to The 500 words abstract should include the topic and its relevance, the hypothesis or main argument, conceptual and methodological framework, expected results and up to 5 keywords. There are to be no biographical notes or references within the abstract which must be accompanied by a separate cover letter, for blind review purposes, only with the author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and postal and e-mail address(es).

Papers can be presented at the conference in Portuguese, Spanish or English, but the slides must be in English.


The deadline for the submission of abstracts is July 15, 2012.
You will be informed whether or not your abstract is accepted by September 15, 2012.
The deadline for full papers is October 31, 2012. All the papers will be published in the online book of conference proceedings.

Early registration deadline:
Registration Fees:
• Early Registration (September 30): General 40€; Papers authors 35€; students 10€; U.Porto students 5€
• Late Registration (November 30): General 50€; Papers authors 45€; students 20€; U.Porto students 5€

More info here soon.